In this 2 day training class students will learn Java Performance Tuning and Optimization skills. JVM and Performance Tuning Class Overview JVM Overview Performance Principles Common Performance Problems Performance Methodology Development and Performance Monitoring Operating System Performance Monitor CPU Usage Monitor Network I/O Monitor Disk I/O Monitor Virtual Memory … Continue reading
Linux/Programming & Other Training Outlines
RHEL Clustering and Storage Management
This hands on course covers the high availability clustering and storage management technologies found in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6+. Each student is assigned 3 dedicated machines and builds a cluster that conforms to industry best practices and offers a variety of services.Students … Continue reading
Linux for Unix Administrators
This accelerated course combining the topics in the “Enterprise Linux Systems Administration”,and the “Enterprise Linux Networking Services”. Prerequisites: Students should already be experienced Unix administrators. Fundamentals such as the Unix command line and how to edit files will not be covered in class. A … Continue reading
Enterprise Linux Security Administration
This highly technical course focuses on properly securing machines running the Linux operating systems. A broad range of general security techniques such as packet filtering, password policies, and file integrity checking are covered. Advanced security technologies such as Kerberos and SELinux are taught. … Continue reading
Linux Shell Scripting
This class is designed to provide the skills necessary to automate tasks on a Unix or Linux system. Systems Administrators and Developers alike can avoid errors, save time and money by replacing repetitive work patterns with shell scripts.Care has been taken to … Continue reading
Linux Troubleshooting
This class is designed to give Linux administrators experience with both common and uncommon system problems. The course is based on the idea that the best way to learn troubleshooting is to perform troubleshooting. Approximately 25% of class time is spent on lecture, … Continue reading
Enterprise Linux Networking Services
This class is an expansive course that covers a wide range of network services useful to every organization. Special attention is paid to the concepts needed to implement these services securely, and to the trouble-shooting skills which will be necessary for real-world … Continue reading
Enterprise Linux System Administration
This in-depth 5 day class explores installation, configuration and maintenance of Linux systems. The course focuses on issues universal to every workstation and server. Like all of our courses, the course material is designed to provide extensive hands-on experience. Topics include: installation and configuration; … Continue reading
Linux Fundamentals
This 5 day class is a challenging course that focuses on the fundamental tools and concepts of Linux and Unix. Students gain proficiency using the command line. Beginners develop a solid foundation in Unix, while advanced users discover patterns and … Continue reading
Advanced PowerBuilder Programming v6.5-12.5
This 5 day class introduces students to advanced techniques used to develop fully functional, well‑performing business applications using PowerBuilder. Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to: Create standard reports, including TreeViews, graphs, crosstabs, and multi-group reports. … Continue reading