Configuring, Managing and Troubleshooting Microsoft Exchange Server 2010

Aspiring enterprise-level messaging administrators can look to Configuring, Managing and Troubleshooting Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 classes to help them boost their skills and bolster their resumes for potential employers this year. However, while novices may be interested in this lucrative and in-demand career path, there are certain prerequisites that those who enroll in these classes need to meet.

For example, those who enroll in the course should meet Microsoft's recommended requirements and possess at least three years experience working in the IT field. Job seekers who have worked in network administration, at help desks or in the field of system administration may be best suited to these classes, according to the company.

However, those who possess the necessary skills and complete the course learn a number of essential skills, such as how to configure messaging policy and compliance, monitor and maintain these systems and implement high availability across multiple sites. In addition, they will also be able to increase their prowess with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, even if they don't have an existing familiarity with this software.

While many providers offer courses for Configuring, Managing and Troubleshooting Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, some may be more beneficial for certain types of learners. For example, while Microsoft offers a five-day intensive course aimed at helping IT professionals boost these skills, this type of class may not be best for busy professionals.

As a result, interested individuals may want to seek out online courses from providers that offer classes taught by Microsoft certified instructors. By pursuing this education in an online setting, individuals who want to balance furthering their career with their busy schedule may be able to satisfy all their needs.

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