Adobe RoboHelp Training

This 3 day RoboHelp training shows what RoboHelp is and what you can you do with it. According to Adobe, “RoboHelp is an easy-to-use authoring and publishing solution.” Adobe also says that RoboHelp will allow you to “deliver content to the iPad and other tablets, smartphones, and desktops using output formats such as multi-screen HTML5, WebHelp, CHM, Adobe AIR Help, PDF, eBook, and native mobile apps.”

Everything Adobe says about RoboHelp is true, and you’ll see that for yourself as you work and learn RoboHelp via the lessons presented in this training.


  • Learn the basics of RoboHelp
  • Learn to format topics in RoboHelp
  • Learn to generate FlashHelp, Links, PDFs and Pop-Ups
  • Learn to work with graphics and multimedia
  • Learn to use conditional expressions
  • Learn to create a table of contents
  • Learn to output and format tables
  • Learn to add cool effects with Dynamic HTML
  • Learn to create indexes and glossaries
  • Learn to work with forms
  • Learn to use framesets
  • Learn to create skins and work with templates
  • Learn to create custom help windows
  • Learn to create scripts and AirHelp


  1. Introduction to Adobe RoboHelp
    1. Open an Existing Project
    2. Explore the Pods
    3. Create a Workspace
    4. Create and Edit a Topic
    5. Delete a Topic
    6. Preview a Topic
    7. Explore a TOC and an Index
    8. Generate HTML Help
    9. Generate WebHelp
    10. Generate FlashHelp
    11. Generate Compliant WebHelp
  2. New Projects and Adding Content
    1. Create a Blank Project
    2. Create a New Topic
    3. Rename and Delete Topics
    4. Import an HTML File
    5. Import a Word Document
    6. Import an FM File
    7. Import a PDF
  3. Project Structure and CSS
    1. Create Project Folders
    2. Create a TOC Book
    3. Add Pages to TOC Books
    4. Auto-Create a TOC
    5. Apply a Style Sheet to a Topic
    6. Apply Paragraph Styles
    7. Create a Style Sheet
    8. Create a Font Set
    9. Use Inline Formatting
    10. Create a Character Style
  4. Editing Content
    1. Use Spell Check
    2. AutoCorrect Text
    3. Use the Thesaurus
    4. Find and Replace Text
    5. Create a PDF for Review
    6. Import Comments From a PDF
  5. Links
    1. Link to a Word Document
    2. Edit a Linked Word Document
    3. Insert Hyperlinks
    4. Insert Bookmarks
    5. Insert Auto-Sizing Popups
    6. Insert Custom-Sized Popups
    7. Insert a Text-Only Popup
    8. Use Link View
    9. Resolve Broken Links
  6. Images and Multimedia
    1. Insert an Image
    2. Add an Image Margin
    3. Add a Background Image
    4. Add Hotspots to a Graphic
    5. Insert an Adobe Captivate Demo
    6. Create a Drop-Down Hotspot
  7. Build Tags, Variables and Snippets
    1. Create a Conditional Build Tag
    2. Apply a Conditional Build Tag
    3. Create a Build Tag Expression
    4. Create a New TOC
    5. Apply Topic-Level Tags
    6. Create Content Categories
    7. Work With Variables
    8. Work With Snippets
  8. Tables and Lists
    1. Insert a Table
    2. Insert a Table Row
    3. Work With Table Styles
    4. Change Table Properties
    5. Add a Horizontal Line
    6. Insert a Symbol
    7. Add a Bulleted List
    8. Create a List Style
    9. Edit a List Style
  9. Indexes, Search and Glossaries
    1. Run the Smart Index Wizard
    2. Remove and Add Index Entries
    3. Add Keywords via Topic Properties
    4. Add Subkeywords to the Index
    5. Create a See Also Keyword
    6. Insert a Link Control
    7. Add Custom Search Terms
    8. Create External Search
    9. Add Glossary Terms
  10. Skins and Master Pages
    1. Create a New Skin
    2. Customize a WebHelp Skin
    3. Customize the Search Highlight Color
    4. Create a Master Page
    5. Edit a Master Page
    6. Add Breadcrumbs to a Master Page
    7. Add a Topic TOC
  11. Windows, Browsing and CSH
    1. Create a Custom Window
    2. Create a Browse Sequence
    3. Test an API Call for Help
    4. Publish a Layout
    5. Review CSH Source Code
    6. Create a WebHelp Window
    7. Assign Map IDs
  12. Docs, eBooks and Scripts
    1. Enable Word Macros
    2. Generate a Print Doc
    3. Create an eBook
    4. Generate a Report
    5. Run a Script
    6. Edit a Script
  13. Adobe AIR and Multiscreen HTML5
    1. Create Browser Based AIR Help
    2. Create AIR Application Help
    3. Generate HTML5
  14. Forms and Frames
    1. Create a New Topic
    2. Insert a Form and Form Element
    3. Add Radio Buttons
    4. Add HTML Code to a Topic
    5. Add a Check Box
    6. Insert a Drop-Down Menu
    7. Add a Multi-line Text Field
    8. Add Submit and Reset Buttons
    9. Name a Form and Set an Action
    10. Import HTML Files
    11. Create a Frameset
    12. Modify Frameset Attributes
    13. Link Topics Into Frames

To Hire a proven Adobe RoboHelp Subject Matter Expert and Instructor who also teaches this class, call 800-798-3901 today!

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