Advanced Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 Training

This 2 day advanced Dreamweaver CS5 training class teaches you to become more efficient with Dreamweaver by taking advantage of Dreamweaver features such as templates, library items, and code snippets.

You will also learn to work with forms and Dreamweaver CS5’s JavaScript behaviors so that you can create pop-up alerts, dynamic menus, draggable content and jump menus.

After this advanced Dreamweaver CS5 class, you’ll be able to efficiently create sophisticated websites and you’ll be ready to take the next step, which is to learn to integrate databases with Dreamweaver.


  • Learn to layout pages with CSS.
  • Learn to make better use of the Dreamweaver CS5 interface.
  • Learn to insert Flash video and sound.
  • Learn to create and reuse Dreamweaver CS5 templates,  library items, and snippets.
  • Learn to work in Code View.
  • Learn to work with forms.
  • Learn to work with Adobe’s Spry Framework.
  • Learn to manage your website efficiently.
  • Learn to use legacy tools.


  1. Creating Page Layouts with CSS
    1. The CSS Box model
    2. The basics of CSS margins, padding, and borders
    3. Reviewing the ID selector
    4. Creating a centered container for your page
    5. Making layouts cross-browser compatible
    6. Absolute versus relative positioning
    7. Positioning content with AP Divs
    8. Creating a header section with the Draw AP Div
    9. Adding an introduction section to your page
    10. Adding images to your layout
    11. Photoshop Integration
    12. Adding Main and Sidebar content areas
    13. Adding additional content and styles
    14. Setting margins and borders
    15. Overriding default margins in CSS
    16. Adding borders to elements
    17. Futureproofing your layout
    18. The pros and cons of Absolutely Positioned CSS layouts
  2. Advanced Page Layout
    1. Layout with AP divs versus layout with floats
    2. Creating a floated
    3. Creating columns with HTML and CSS
    4. Creating the HTML Structure with div elements
    5. Setting the width and floating the columns
    6. Using the Clear property
    7. Creating a list-based navigation bar
    8. Changing column layout and size
    9. Creating the appearance of equal height columns
    10. Browser compatibility
    11. Adding code for IE 6
    12. Applying finishing touches
    13. Creating more sophisticated layouts
  3. Fine-Tuning Your Workflow
    1. Customizing panels and panel groups
    2. Using the Favorites tab on the Insert bar
    3. Resizing the document window
    4. Using guides
    5. Using grids
    6. The tag selector
    7. Switching between tabs and cascading documents
    8. Zooming
  4. Adding Flash, Video, and Sound Content
    1. Making web content interesting
    2. Inserting Flash movies
    3. Adding video
    4. Flash Video
    5. QuickTime video and Windows Media
    6. Inserting sound
  5. Maximizing Site Design
    1. Creating modular page elements
    2. Introducing snippets
    3. The Snippets panel
    4. Creating new snippets
    5. Introducing library items
    6. Modifying and updating library items
    7. Introducing templates
    8. Creating a new template
    9. Working with editable regions
    10. Creating new pages from templates
    11. Modifying templates
    12. Repeating regions
    13. Putting repeating regions into action
    14. Detach from Template command
  6. Working with Code-editing Features
    1. Working with code
    2. Accessing code with the tag selector
    3. Inserting tags with the Tag Chooser
    4. Inserting and editing comments
    5. Working in the Code view
    6. Modifying the Code View Workspace
    7. The Coding toolbar
    8. Collapsing and expanding tags and code blocks
    9. Validating your code
    10. Highlighting and correcting invalid code
    11. Running a Report
    12. Formatting code
    13. Indenting
  7. Building Web Forms
    1. Forms in everyday (web) life
    2. How forms work
    3. Building a contact form
    4. Setting form properties
    5. Adding form elements
    6. Adding text fields
    7. Adding checkboxes
    8. Adding radio buttons
    9. Adding radio groups
    10. Adding lists and menus
    11. Adding a text area
    12. Adding a File Upload field
    13. Creating Submit and Reset buttons
    14. Styling forms with CSS
    15. Attaching external styles
    16. Setting a background color
    17. Styling form elements
    18. Applying the .label style
    19. Form processing and validation
    20. Adding form validation
    21. A look at the Behaviors panel
    22. Setting an event or trigger
    23. Previewing the button behavior
    24. Validating form fields
    25. Changing a form field’s behavior order
    26. Verifying field contents
  8. Working with the Spry Framework
    1. Introducing the Spry Widgets
    2. The Spry framework for AJAX
    3. What is AJAX?
    4. A look at the project
    5. The Spry Menu bar
    6. Customizing Spry Widgets with CSS
    7. The Spry Tabbed panel
    8. The Spry Accordion panel
    9. The Spry Collapsible panel
    10. Working with Spry Data Widgets
    11. What is XML?
    12. Creating a Spry XML data set
    13. Adding a Spry Data Widget: The Spry Repeat List
    14. Styling and fine-tuning data widgets
  9. Managing Your Web Site: Reports, Optimization, and Maintenance
    1. Working with the Files panel
    2. Creating a remote connection
    3. Viewing files on a remote web server
    4. Transferring files to and from a remote server with Get and Put
    5. Using Check In/Check Out and Design Notes
    6. Check In and Check Out
    7. Using Design Notes
    8. Sharing Design Notes
    9. Displaying Design Notes in the Files panel
    10. Testing site integrity
    11. Using Check Links
    12. Checking links sitewide
    13. Generating site reports
    14. Understanding report results
    15. Addressing a listed item
    16. Saving reports
    17. The Browser Compatibility Check
    18. The CSS Advisor
    19. Optimizing pages for launch
    20. Search engine visibility and Search Engine Optimization
    21. Adding meta keywords and descriptions
    22. Describing images with alternate text
    23. Launching your site
    24. Site Launch Checklist
    25. Uploading your site
    26. Getting help and using the reference guides
    27. The Reference panel
    28. Suggested next steps
  10. Using Legacy Tools: Frames and Tables
    1. Starting up
    2. Legacy sites
    3. How frames work
    4. Advantages and disadvantages of frames
    5. Common frame usage
    6. Creating framesets
    7. Selecting frames
    8. Selecting framesets
    9. The Frames panel
    10. Setting frameset properties
    11. Setting frame properties
    12. Splitting a frame
    13. Dragging a frame border
    14. Specifying frame content
    15. Targeting frames
    16. Linking to outside web pages
    17. Using _top to replace a frameset
    18. Using tables for layout
    19. Tables versus CSS
    20. Inserting a table
    21. Selecting tables
    22. Modifying tables
    23. Setting table borders
    24. Merging cells
    25. Nesting a table inside a row.
    26. Specifying column widths
    27. Adding content to tables
    28. Adding another table
    29. Formatting tables

To Hire a proven Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 Subject Matter Expert and Instructor who also teaches this class, call 800-798-3901 today!


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