Microsoft proves its brand power in a new study

While Coca-Cola may still be the world's most-valuable brand according to a new study, Microsoft ranked third in the report, coming in ahead of its much-ballyhooed rivals such as Google and Apple. The research, which was conducted by Interbrand, a brand consultancy agency, suggested that the value of Microsoft's brand is roughly $60 billion.

According to Interbrand, the study is based on a number of factors, such as a company's financial performance, its overall strength and the role the brand plays in decision making process for executives at the company. Microsoft was lauded for its dominance in the operating system, office suite and server software segments of the market.

"This is both a blessing and a curse as the future of computing moves to the mobile space," the report said. "Competitors continue to lure customers with mobile applications that turn individual devices into ecosystems."

Overall, the survey shows that Microsoft remains a dominant player in the IT world, even though it could be edged out of this top spot in the coming years. Google's brand value rose 27 percent in 2011 from 2010, rising to the fourth spot on the list. In addition, Apple ranked eighth in the survey, but increased its brand value by 58 percent from the previous year. Other major technology players IBM and HP ranked number two and 10, respectively.

However, for now, IT job seekers may be wise to pursue Microsoft certifications that can allow them to apply for the most competitive positions in their chosen field.

By working with a provider of online courses with easy-to-use course catalogs, individuals who want to bolster their earning power this year can select the right class and gain the knowledge they need to secure IT jobs at Microsoft or the world's other top brands.

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