jQuery Fundamentals Training


In this 2 day jQuery training class students will receive an overview of the jQuery JavaScript library. When you’re done with this jQuery training course, you will be able to complete basic tasks using jQuery, and you will have a solid basis from which to continue your learning.


  • Review JavaScript basics.
  • Get started with jQuery.
  • Learn to work with the jQuery Core.
  • Learn to handle events with jQuery.
  • Learn to create cool effects with jQuery.
  • Learn to build Ajax applications with jQuery.
  • Learn to write and use jQuery plugins.
  • Learn to write high-performing jQuery applications.
  • Learn to organize your jQuery code.


  1. JavaScript Basics
    1. Syntax Basics
    2. Operators
      1. Basic Operators
    3. Operations on Numbers and Strings
    4. Logical Operators
    5. Comparison Operators
    6. Conditional Code
    7. Truthy and Falsy Things
    8. Conditional Variable Assignment with the Ternary Operator
    9. Switch Statements
    10. Loops
      1. The for Loop
    11. The while Loop
      1. Breaking and Continuing
    12. Reserved Words
    13. Arrays
    14. Objects
    15. Functions
      1. Using Functions
      2. Self-executing Anonymous Functions
      3. Functions as Arguments
    16. Testing Type
    17. Scope
    18. Closures
  2. jQuery Basic Concepts
    1. $(document).ready()
    2. Selecting Elements
      1. Choosing Selectors
      2. Does My Selection Contain Any Elements?
      3. Saving Selections
      4. Refining and Filtering Selections
      5. Selecting Form Elements
    3. Working with Selections
    4. Chaining
      1. Getters and Setters
    5. CSS, Styling, and Dimensions
      1. Using CSS Classes for Styling
      2. Dimensions
    6. Attributes
    7. Traversing
    8. Manipulating Elements
      1. Getting and Setting Information about Elements
      2. Moving, Copying, and Removing Elements
      3. Cloning Elements
      4. Removing Elements
      5. Creating New Elements
    9. Manipulating Attributes
  3. jQuery Core
    1. $ vs $()
    2. Utility Methods
    3. Checking Types
    4. Data Methods
    5. Feature and Browser Detection
    6. Avoiding Conflicts with Other Libraries
  4. Events
    1. Connecting Events to Elements
      1. Connecting Events to Run Only Once
      2. Disconnecting Events
      3. Namespacing Events
    2. Inside the Event Handling Function
    3. Triggering Event Handlers
    4. Increasing Performance with Event Delegation
      1. Unbinding Delegated Events
    5. Event Helpers
      1. $.fn.hover
      2. $.fn.toggle
  5. Effects
    1. Built-in Effects
      1. Changing the Duration of Built-in Effects
      2. jQuery.fx.speeds
      3. Doing Something When an Effect Is Done
    2. Custom Effects with $.fn.animate
      1. Easing
    3. Managing Effects
      1. jQuery.fx.off
  6. Ajax
    1. Key Concepts
      1. GET vs. Post
      2. Data Types
      3. A Is for Asynchronous
      4. Same-origin Policy and JSONP
      5. Ajax and Firebug
    2. jQuery’s Ajax-related Methods
      1. $.ajax
      2. $.ajax Options
      3. Convenience Methods
    3. $.fn.load
    4. Ajax and Forms
    5. Working with JSONP
    6. Ajax Events
  7. Plugins
    1. How to Create a Basic Plugin
    2. Finding and Evaluating Plugins
    3. Writing Plugins
  8. Best Performance Practices
    1. Cache Length during Loops
    2. Append New Content outside of a Loop
    3. Keep Things DRY
    4. Beware Anonymous Functions
    5. Optimize Selectors
      1. ID-based Selectors
      2. Specificity
      3. Avoid the Universal Selector
    6. Use Event Delegation
    7. Detach Elements to Work with Them
    8. Use Stylesheets for Changing CSS on Many Elements
    9. Use $.data Instead of $.fn.data
    10. Don’t Act on Absent Elements
    11. Variable Definition
    12. Conditionals
    13. Don’t Treat jQuery as a Black Box
  9. Code Organization
    1. Key Concepts
    2. Encapsulation
      1. The Object Literal
      2. The Module Pattern
    3. Managing Dependencies
      1. Getting RequireJS
      2. Using RequireJS with jQuery
      3. Creating Reusable Modules with RequireJS
      4. Optimizing Your Code: The RequireJS Build Tool
  10. Custom Events
    1. About Custom Events
      1. A Sample Application
      2. The Setup
    2. Conclusion

To Hire an AMS jQuery Subject Matter Expert and Instructor who also teaches this class, call 800-798-3901 today!

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