Introduction to Java Script Programming

In this 3 day JavaScript training class, students learn to use JavaScript effectively to make their web pages more dynamic and functional and to reduce the number of roundtrips to the server.


  • Learn how JavaScript is used.
  • Learn JavaScript syntax.
  • Learn about objects, methods, and properties.
  • Learn to work with JavaScript variables.
  • Learn to create your own functions in JavaScript.
  • Learn to write flow control logic in JavaScript.
  • Learn to validate forms with JavaScript.
  • Learn to create roll-over images with JavaScript.
  • Learn to open and work with new windows.
  • Learn to work with JavaScript timers and intervals.
  • Learn to work with the navigator history, and location objects.


  1. JavaScript Basics
    1. The Name “JavaScript”
    2. The HTML DOM
    3. JavaScript Syntax
      1. Basic Rules
      2. Dot Notation
      3. Square Bracket Notation
    4. Where Is JavaScript Code Written?
    5. JavaScript Objects, Methods and Properties
      1. Methods
      2. Properties
      3. The Implicit window Object
      4. The getElementById() Method
    6. Event Handlers
  2. Variables, Arrays and Operators
    1. JavaScript Variables
      1. A Loosely-typed Language
      2. Storing User-Entered Data
    2. Arrays
      1. Associative Arrays
      2. Array Properties and Methods
    3. JavaScript Operators
  3. JavaScript Functions
    1. Built-in Functions
      1. Number(object)
      2. String(object)
      3. isNaN(object)
      4. parseFloat() and parseInt()
    2. Built-in Functions vs. Methods
    3. User-defined Functions
      1. Function Syntax
      2. Passing Values to Functions
      3. A Note on Variable Scope
      4. Returning Values from Functions
  4. Built-In JavaScript Objects
    1. String
    2. Math
    3. Date
    4. typeof Operator
  5. Conditionals and Loops
    1. Conditionals
      1. if – else if – else Conditions
      2. Switch / Case
    2. Loops
      1. while Loop Syntax
      2. do…while Loop Syntax
      3. for Loop Syntax
      4. for…in Loop Syntax
  6. JavaScript Form Validation
    1. Accessing Form Data
    2. Basics of Form Validation
      1. The this Object
      2. Cleaner Validation
    3. Validating Radio Buttons
    4. Validating Checkboxes
    5. Validating Select Menus
    6. Focus, Blur, and Change Events
      1. Focus and Blur
      2. Change
    7. Validating Textareas
  7. Images, Windows and Timers
    1. Image Rollovers
    2. Preloading Images
    3. Creating a Slide Show
    4. Windows
    5. Timers
    6. Popup Timed Slide Show
  8. Navigator, History, and Location Objects
    1. The navigator Object
    2. Feature Detection
    3. history Object
    4. location Object
    5. Creating a Simple Quiz

To Hire an AMS Java Script Subject Matter Expert and Instructor who also teaches this class, call 800-798-3901 today!

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