This class is a custom introductory to intermediate level C++ programming class for programmers. Students of this class will learn how to write C++ programs with intermediate level constructs and data access methods.
Class Audience: Experienced Programmers of other languages
Class Length: 5 days
Class Outline:
I. C++ Program Components
A. Basic program components
B. Functions
C. Statements
D. File inclusion
E. Input and output
F. Keywords
G. Variables
H. Operators
II. Data and Operators
A. Identifiers
B. Fundamental data types and their operators
C. Constants
D. Operator precedence
E. Conversions
F. Casting
G. Scope
III. Structured Data Types
A. Enumerations
B. Data structures
C. Aggregation
D. Standard Library string class.
IV. Control Flow
A. Boolean operators
B. Conditional selection
C. Iteration
V. Functions
A. Functional modularity
B. Passing data in and out of functions
C. Pass by value and reference
D. Member functions
E. Optimization with inline
VI. Arrays and Vectors
A. Basic containers
B. Arrays and the standard template library vector class
C. Access through subscripting and member functions
D. C type strings.
VII. Classes
A. Object-orientation and classes
B. Encapsulation
C. Automatic construction
D. Copying and conversions
VIII. Pointers
A. Concept of indirection
B. Null pointers
C. Using pointers with functions and arrays
D. Pointer arithmetic
IX. Dynamic Memory
A. Accessing the heap or freestore with new and delete
B. Dynamic arrays
C. Automatic destruction
X. Object Relationships
A. Aggregation and association
B. Delegation, managing custody of dynamic memory
C. Copying custodial objects
XI. Operator Overloading
A. Class operators
B. Overloading with globals or members
C. Lvalue operators
D. Copy assignment
XII. Streams
A. Working with the Standard Streams
B. File streams
C. Manipulators
D. String streams
XIII. STL Containers
A. Introducing templates and the main Standard Template Library container classes
1. vector, deque, list, set and map
B. Guidelines on choosing the right container for the job
XIV. Iterators
A. Using Iterators to access the elements of Standard Template Library containers
B. Introducing the standard algorithms
XV. Inheritance
A. Object-orientation and inheritance
B. Creating and using derived classes
C. Vertical delegation
D. Standard conversions
XVI. Polymorphism
A. Declaring and using virtual functions and the need for virtual destructors
B. Pure virtual functions and abstract classes
XVII. Advanced Features
A. Overview of some advanced features
B. Exception handling
C. Namespaces
D. Multiple inheritance
E. Smart pointers
F. Template functions
G. Extending the STL
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