Implementing Cisco Threat Control Solutions (SITCS)

Implementing Cisco Threat Control Solutions (SITCS) is a five-day instructor-led training class that is presented by Cisco training partners to their end customers. Channel Partners nationwide hire proven AMS Subject Matter Expert Cisco Certified Systems Instructors (CCSI’s) to teach on-site or on-line classes.

This class is part of the curriculum leading to the Cisco Certified Network Professional Security (CCNP Security) certification and it is designed to prepare security engineers with the knowledge and hands-on experience so that they can deploy Cisco’s Next Generation Firewall (NGFW) as well as Web Security, Email Security and Cloud Web Security. The goal of the class is to provide students with foundational knowledge and the capabilities to implement and managed security on Cisco ASA firewalls utilizing Cisco Next Generation product solution which integrates Cisco Prime Security Manager for managing identity policies. Students will gain hands-on experience with configuring various advance Cisco security solutions for mitigating outside threats and securing traffic traversing the firewall. At the end of the class, students will be able to reduce the risk to their IT infrastructures and applications using Cisco’s Next Generation Firewall security appliance feature and provide operational support for Intrusion Prevention Systems, Email Security, and Web based security appliances.

Upon completing this course, you will be able to;
• Understand Cisco ASA Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW)
• Deploy Cisco Web Security appliance to mitigate malware
• Configure Web Security appliance for acceptable use controls
• Configure Cisco Cloud Web Security Connectors
• Describe Cisco Email Security Solution
• Configure Cisco Email Appliance Incoming and Outgoing Policies
• Describe IPS Threat Controls
• Configure and Implement Cisco IPS Sensor into a Network.

The knowledge and skills that a student must have before attending this course are as follows:
• Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA®) certification
• Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA®) Security certification
• Knowledge of Microsoft Windows operating system.

Class Outline:
Module 1: Cisco ASA Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW) Services
Lesson 1: Describing the Cisco Modular Network Architecture
Lesson 2: Describing the Cisco ASA (CX) NGFW Management Architecture
Lesson 3: Configure Cisco ASA (CX) NGFW Policy Objects
Lesson 4: Monitoring Cisco ASA (CX) NGFW Operations
Lesson 5: Configuring Cisco ASA (CX) NGFW Access Policies
Lesson 6: Configuring Cisco ASA (CX) NGFW Identity Policies
Lesson 7: Configuring Cisco ASA (CX) NGFW Access Decryption Policies

Module 2: Cisco Web Security Appliance
Lesson 1: Describing The Cisco Web Security Appliance (WSA) Solutions
Lesson 2: Integrating the Cisco Web Security Appliance
Lesson 3: Configuring Cisco Web Security Appliance Identities and User Authentication
Lesson 4: Configuring Cisco Web Security Appliance Acceptable Use Control
Lesson 5: Configuring Cisco Web Security Appliance Anti-Malware Controls
Lesson 6: Configuring Cisco Web Security Appliance Decryption
Lesson 7: Configuring Cisco Web Security Appliance Data Security Controls

Module 3: Cisco Cloud Web Security
Lesson 1: Describing the Cisco Cloud Web Security Solution
Lesson 2: Configuring Cisco Cloud Web Security Connectors
Lesson 3: Describing the Web Filtering Policy in Cisco ScanCenter

Module 4: Cisco Email Security Appliance
Lesson 1: Describe the Cisco Email Security Solutions
Lesson 2: Describing the Cisco Email Security Appliance Basic Configuration
Lesson 3: Deploying Cisco ASA Application Inspection Policies

Module 5: Cisco Intrusion Prevention Systems
Lesson 1: Describing IPS Threat Controls
Lesson 2: Integrating Cisco IPS Sensor into a Network
Lesson 3: Configuring Basic Cisco IPS Settings
Lesson 4: Tuning Cisco IPS Signatures
Lesson 5: Configuring Custom Cisco IPS Signatures
Lesson 6: Configuring Cisco IPS Anomaly-Detection
Lesson 7: Configuring Cisco IPS Reputation-Based Features

To Hire a proven AMS Cisco Security Subject Matter Expert and Cisco Certified Systems Instructor who teaches this class, Call 800-798-3901 Today!

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