This comprehensive 5 day class shows Java programmers how to build web applications with JavaServer Faces 2.0. We develop the best-practice concepts that are formalized by the JSF architecture, from model/view/controller to the UI component framework and request-handling lifecycle. Students start … Continue reading
Author Archives: admin
Fast Track to the Java Persistence API Version 2
This 3 day Java Persistence API training class covers everything you need to know to begin working with the Java Persistence API in a very short time. It covers all the important concepts necessary to access and update data stored … Continue reading
Developing Java Web Applications
Gives the experienced Java programmer a firm understanding of web application development in the Java Enterprise environment. Students learn the Servlets, JSP, and JSTL standards and how to mesh them into an effective methodology for building maintainable model/view/controller web applications. … Continue reading
JPA Training with Hibernate
This 3 day class offers a comprehensive and detail-oriented treatment of Hibernate® 4.0 and the Java Persistence API (JPA) 2.0 for developers interested in implementing persistence tiers for enterprise applications. We cover JPA basics including simple object/relational concepts and annotations, persistence … Continue reading
JPA Training: The Java Persistence API
This 4 day class offers a comprehensive and detail-oriented treatment of the Java Persistence API (JPA) for developers interested in implementing persistence tiers for enterprise applications. We cover JPA basics including simple object/relational concepts and annotations, persistence contexts and entity managers, … Continue reading
Comphrensive JavaServer Pages Training
This four-day course develops skills in JavaServer Pages, or JSP, which is the standard means of authoring dynamic content for Web applications under the Java Enterprise platform. It treats JSP 2.0, including older features such as scriptlets but focusing on … Continue reading
Introduction to JavaServer Pages
This two-day module introduces JavaServer Pages, or JSP, which is the standard means of authoring dynamic content for Web applications under the Java Enterprise platform. The module begins with an introduction of Web applications in general, shows how Java servlets … Continue reading
Web Development using Grails
This 4 day Groovy on Grails training class teaches experienced web developers how to use the Grails framework to rapidly create sophisticated web applications. Goals Learn to develop model-view-controller web applications using Grails. Learn to access relational databases from Grails. Learn to … Continue reading
Advanced ColdFusion 9 Training: XML & Web Services
This 2 day advanced ColdFusion 9 training class focuses on making the best use of several external data types including XML, Web Services, <cfhttp> and more. You will also learn how to work with the file system to read, write, … Continue reading
Advanced ColdFusion 9 Training: Components, Error Handling & Complex Objects
In this 2 day advanced ColdFusion 9 training class, you will learn the many methods of reusing code (including <cfinclude>, custom tags and stored procedures). You will also learn how to predict and prevent errors in ColdFusion 9 so your users … Continue reading