Introduction to Perl Training for Windows

In this 5 day Perl training class, students will learn to program effectively in Perl.


  • Learn to work with variables, arrays and hashes in Perl
  • Learn to write flow control statements in Perl
  • Learn to manipulate files with Perl
  • Learn to use Perl’s Regular Expressions
  • Learn to create complex data structures with Perl
  • Learn to use Perl packages and modules
  • Learn to work with Perl’s object-oriented features
  • Learn to write subroutines in Perl


  1. Overview of Perl
    1. What is Perl?
    2. Running Perl Programs
    3. Sample Program
    4. Another Sample Program
    5. Yet Another Example
  2. Perl Variables
    1. Three Data Types
    2. Variable Names and Syntax
    3. Variable Naming
    4. Lists
    5. Scalar and List Contexts
    6. The Repetition Operator
  3. Arrays and Hashes in Perl
    1. Arrays
    2. Example – The @ARGV Array
    3. Array Slices
    4. Hashes
    5. Hash Functions
    6. Scalar and List Contexts Revisited
  4. I/O: Input Operations and File I/O in Perl
    1. Overview of File I/O
    2. The open Function
    3. The Input Operator < >
    4. Default Input Operator
    5. The print Function
    6. Reading Directories
  5. Operators in Perl
    1. Perl Operators
    2. Operators, Functions and Precedence
    3. File Test Operators
    4. Assignment Operator Notations
    5. The Range Operator
  6. Flow Control in Perl
    1. Simple Statements
    2. Simple Statement Modifiers
    3. Compound Statements
    4. The next, last, and redo Statements
    5. The for Loop
    6. The foreach Loop
  7. Regular Expressions in Perl
    1. Pattern Matching Overview
    2. The Substitution Operator
    3. Regular Expressions
    4. Special Characters
    5. Quantifiers (*, +, ?, {})
    6. Assertions (^, $, \b, \B)
  8. Subroutines in Perl
    1. Overview of Subroutines
    2. Passing Arguments
    3. Private Variables
    4. Returning Values
  9. Quoting and Interpolation in Perl
    1. String Literals
    2. Interpolation
    3. Array Substitution and Join
    4. Backslashes and Single Quotes
    5. Quotation Operators
    6. Command Substitution
    7. Here Documents
  10. References
    1. References
    2. Creating References
    3. Using References
    4. Passing References as Arguments to Subroutines
    5. Anonymous Composers
    6. The Symbol Table
  11. Complex Data Structures in Perl
    1. Two-dimensional Arrays in Perl
    2. Anonymous Arrays and Anonymous Hashes
    3. Arrays of Arrays
    4. Arrays of References
    5. A Hash of Arrays
    6. A Hash of Hashes
    7. And So On…
  12. Perl Packages and Modules
    1. Packages
    2. BEGIN and END Routines
    3. require vs. use
    4. Modules
    5. The bless Function
  13. Object-Oriented Programming in Perl
    1. What is Object-Oriented?
    2. Why Use Object-Oriented Programming?
    3. Classes, Objects, and Methods in Perl
    4. Inheritance, the “is-a” Relationship
    5. Containment, the “has-a” Relationship
    6. Overloaded Operators
    7. Destructors
  14. Advanced Regular Expressions in Perl
    1. Substrings
    2. Substrings in List Context
    3. RE Special Variables
    4. RE Options
    5. Multi-line REs
    6. Substituting with an Expression
    7. Perl RE Extensions
  15. Binary Data Structures in Perl
    1. Variable-Length (Delimited) Fields
    2. Variable vs. Fixed
    3. Handling Binary Data
    4. The pack Function
    5. The unpack Function
    6. The read Function
    7. C Data Structures

To Hire an AMS Perl / CGI Subject Matter Expert and Instructor who also teaches this class, call us today at 800-798-3901!

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