Oracle Database Administration Training

This 5 day Oracle Database Administration Training class will develop the key fundamental skills necessary to be an Oracle DBA. Students will design and create a server using the Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA), configure logical and physical structures, set up database and user security, add and administer users, and monitor and tune main server areas. Each student will create a toolkit of administration scripts for database management and tuning by the end of this class.

The course is inteded for non-Oracle database administrators, application developers, and system administrators.


  • Learn to administer Oracle databases.


  1. Overview of Oracle Database
    2. The Oracle Database vs. The Oracle Instance
    3. Instance Memory Structures
    4. Background Processes
    5. Server Processes
    6. Datafiles
    7. Blocks, Extents, and Segments
    8. Control Files
    9. Redo Logs
    10. The Oracle Architecture
    11. SYS and SYSTEM Users
  2. Starting and Shutting Down an Oracle Database
    1. SYSDBA and SYSOPER System Privileges
    2. Oracle Database Startup
    3. Oracle Database Shutdown
    4. Altering Database Availability
    5. Suspending and Resuming a Database
    6. Quiescing a Database
    7. Tracking Database Activity – The Alert Log
    8. Data Dictionary Views for Startup and Shutdown
  3. Using The Oracle Data Dictionary
    1. Introducing the Data Dictionary
    2. DBA, ALL, and USER Data Dictionary Views
    3. V$ Dynamic Performance Views
    4. Using Oracle Documentation to Locate Data Dictionary Views
    5. Combining Data Dictionary Views
  4. Oracle Database Users and Schemas
    1. Users and Schemas
    2. Oracle Default Database Users
    3. Oracle Sample Schemas
    4. Creating Users
    5. Altering and Dropping Users
    6. Data Dictionary Views For Users
  5. Oracle System Privileges
    1. Overview of System Privileges
    2. Granting and Revoking System Privileges
    3. Data Dictionary Views for System Privileges
    4. Roles
    5. Creating and Removing Roles
    6. Data Dictionary Views for Roles
    7. Predefined Roles
    8. User Group PUBLIC
  6. Parameter Files
    1. Oracle Database Parameters
    2. The Parameter File (PFILE) and the Server Parameter File (SPFILE)
    3. Dynamic vs. Static Parameters
    4. Determining Current Parameter Settings
    5. Benefits of SPFILEs over PFILEs
    6. Creating an SPFILE from a PFILE and Back Again
    7. Understanding Scope
    8. Session-Level Parameters
    9. Data Dictionary Views for Parameters
  7. Datafiles and Tablespaces
    1. Datafiles Overview
    2. Tablespaces Overview
    3. SYSTEM and SYSAUX Tablespaces
    4. Creating Tablespaces
    5. Dictionary- and Locally Managed Tablespaces
    6. Locally Managed Tablespace Extent Allocation
    7. Temporary Tablespaces
    8. Temporary Tablespace Groups
    9. Default Tablespaces
    10. Tablespace Quotas
    11. Dropping and Altering a Tablespace
    12. Renaming a Tablespace
    13. Renaming or Relocating Datafiles
    14. Bigfile Tablespaces
    15. Data Dictionary Views for Datafiles and Tablespaces
  8. Control Files
    1. Control Files Overview
    2. Database Parameters for Control Files
    3. Backing Up Control Files
    4. Restoring Control Files from Multiplexed Copies
    5. Restoring Control Files from Backups
    6. Moving Control Files
    7. Data Dictionary Views for Control Files
  9. Oracle Physical Structures — Online Redo Logs
    1. Redo
    2. Redo Log Files
    3. Database Parameters for Redo
    4. Sizing the Redo Log Files
    5. How Many Redo Log Groups?
    6. Creating Redo Logs
    7. Removing Redo Logs
    8. Renaming Redo Log Files
    9. Forcing Log Switches
    10. Archiving Redo Logs
    11. Configuring Archive Log Mode
    12. Database Parameters for Archiving
    13. Data Dictionary Views for Redo Logs
  10. Oracle Physical Structures — Undo Segments
    1. Undo Overview
    2. Database Parameters for Undo
    3. Creating Undo Tablespaces
    4. Altering and Dropping Undo Tablespaces
    5. Switching Undo Tablespaces
    6. Undo Advisor
    7. Data Dictionary Views for Undo
  11. Segment Space Management
    1. Blocks, Extents and Segments
    2. Segment Space Management
    3. Fragmentation
    4. Coalescing Fragmented Space
    5. Row Migration and Chaining
    6. Manual Segment Space Usage
    7. Automatic Segment Space Management
    8. Data Dictionary Views for Physical Objects
  12. Tables
    1. Tables Overview
    2. Physical Properties of Tables
    3. Creating Tables
    4. Table Storage and Logging
    5. Altering Tables
    6. Dropping Tables
    7. The Recycle Bin
    9. Temporary Tables
    10. Clustered Tables
    11. Indexed-Organized Tables
    12. Creating an IOT
    13. Data Dictionary Views for Tables
  13. Indexes
    1. Indexes
    2. B-tree Indexes
    3. NULL Values and Indexes
    4. NULL Values and Unique Indexes
    5. Creating Indexes
    6. Monitoring Index Usage
    7. Dropping Indexes
    8. Rebuilding and Moving Indexes
    9. Coalescing Indexes
    10. Bitmap Indexes
    11. Special Index Types
    12. Index Key Compression
    13. Data Dictionary Views for Indexes
  14. Constraints
    1. Integrity Constraints
    2. Constraint Names and Syntax
    3. Constraint Checking
    4. Managing Primary Key Constraints
    5. Managing NOT NULL Constraints
    6. Managing Check Constraints
    7. Managing Foreign Key Constraints
    8. Data Dictionary Views for Constraints
    2. Creating and Replacing Views
    3. Data Dictionary Views for Views
    4. Security Through Views
    5. Altering and Dropping Views
    6. Dependencies and Views
    7. Updating Data Through Views
  16. Object Privileges
    1. Object Privileges
    2. Granting and Revoking Object Privileges
    4. Revoking and the GRANT OPTION
    5. Data Dictionary Views for Object Privileges
  17. Synonyms
    1. Synonyms
    2. Private and Public Synonyms
    3. Creating and Dropping Synonyms
    4. Security and Synonyms
    5. Object Precedence
  18. The Optimizer and Statistics
    1. Optimizer Overview
    2. Optimizer Statistics
    3. Data Dictionary Views and Statistics
    4. Collecting Statistics
    5. Removing Statistics
    6. Automated Statistics Collection
  19. Oracle Net Services
    1. Oracle Networking Explained
    2. The Net Configuration Assistant
    3. Configuring the Listener — GUI
    4. Configuring the Listener — Manually
    5. Configuring the Client — GUI
    6. Configuring the Client — Manually
  20. Data Pump
    1. Oracle Data Pump Architecture
    2. Configuring for Data Pump
    3. Command-Line Utilities
    4. Exporting With expdp
    5. Importing With impdp
    6. Interactive Mode
    7. Attaching to a Running Job
    8. Parallel Data Pump
    9. Data Dictionary Views for Data Pump
  21. SQL*Loader and External Tables
    1. SQL*Loader
    2. SQL*Loader Control File
    3. Loading Data with SQL*Loader
    4. Conventional vs. Direct Path Loads
    5. External Tables Overview
    6. Creating an External Table
    7. Creating a Writable External Table
  22. Back Up Your Database
    1. Physical Backups vs. Logical Backups
    2. Offline Backup Basics
    3. Oracle Offline Backup Steps
    4. Other Backup Considerations
    5. Advanced Backup Concepts
    6. RMAN
  23. Recover Your Database
    1. Offline Recovery Basics
    2. Restoration Using Offline Backups for a NOARCHIVE Database
    3. Restoring Other Files
    4. Other Recovery Considerations
  24. Oracle Enterprise Manager
    1. Introducing Oracle Enterprise Manager
    2. OEM Architecture and Physical Structure
    3. Installing OEM When Using DBCA
    4. Using EMCA to Install OEM
    5. Managing OEM
    6. Removing OEM
    7. Troubleshooting OEM
    8. Securing OEM
    9. Starting OEM
    10. Introducing the OEM Home Pages
    11. Using OEM — Managing the Job Scheduler
    12. Using OEM — Using Metrics, Alerts, and Thresholds
    13. Automatic Workload Repository
    14. The Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor — ADDM
    15. OEM and Advisors
    16. The SQL Access Advisor
  25. Appendix A – Installing Oracle Software
    1. Optimal Flexible Architecture
    2. OFA Directory Layouts
    3. The Oracle Universal Installer
    4. OUI Installation Modes
    5. Preparing To Install Software
    6. Starter Database
    7. Installing the Oracle Software
    8. Deinstalling Oracle Software
  26. Appendix B – Creating a Database Using the DBCA
    1. The DBCA
    2. Select a Database Template
    3. Specify the Database Name
    4. Set System Account Passwords
    5. Specify File Locations
    6. Install Sample Schemas
    7. Security Settings
    8. Automatic Maintenance Tasks
    9. Specify Storage Parameters
    10. Create Your Oracle Database
    11. Oracle Net Configuration Assistant
    12. Configure the Listener
    13. Set TCP Parameters
    14. Removing a Database with the DBCA
  27. Appendix C – Manual Database Creation
    1. Manual Database Creation
    2. Prepare the System
    3. Creating the Parameter File
    4. The CREATE DATABASE Statement
    5. Manually Create the Database
    6. Finalizing the Creation
    7. SQL.BSQ File
    8. Creating the Service on Windows
  28. Appendix D – Auditing the Database
    1. Auditing Explained
    2. Data Dictionary Views for Auditing
    3. Audit Trail, OS, and DB

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